Friday, May 23, 2008

Doughnuts made of Gold boullion...

Ok so I really have nothing new to post. This week I've been cleaning, sewing, reading, hiking and just doing normal stuff. This morning Berkeley was hazy with smoke from the Santa Cruz fire... this evening the winds had changed and Santa Cruz continues to burn.  Other than that everything's normal and boring (which isn't bad just not very bloggable) so here's a retro photo that never made it up...

To truly clarify the shock of these doughnuts keep in mind; a doughnut in the USA costs around 60Cents to $1 (in British that's 25p to 45p) the exchange rate makes a dollar worth a little less than half a pound... making these doughnuts about $2.50 each!  Did they fly them in from Chicago or are they secretly made of pure gold? 

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