I copy
Josh Tate now in pure indulgence...
Things I do not like but others seem to enjoy;1. Snow
2. sledding/skiing/winter "fun"
3. hard candy
4. Sorbet or Gelato
5. breaded fried things (tempura/funnel cake/country fried "steak") (fish and chips are an exception)
6. Peets coffee, or Sarbucks coffee... ick both burnt substitutes for good stuff.
7. John Steinbeck
8. Halloween
9. Fruity alcoholic beverages
10. Disco (people don't admit to liking disco until you insult their precious ABBA, Donna Summers or BeeGees, and then true colors come out)
Things I enjoy that most people don't1. Carob
2. Sherbet
3. designing menswear
4. orange and black as a fashion choice not Halloween wear
5. swimming through kelp
6. the cassette deck in my car
7. making lists!
8. working with stage blood/gore
9. smokey dark peat-y whiskey (ok mostly manly men like this and then there's me)
10. Black Licorice! (esp the salty stuff)