Monday, October 22, 2018

Soup that Butternut!

How to make Butternut Squash Soup. 
1. Cut open your squash and take out the seeds. 
2. Bake it at 400F until soft. I like to leave garlic cloves in the hollow parts of the squash
 3. heat up some stock on the stove. You can add carrots to the stock if you want to make the flavor more complex.

4. Let the squash cool enough that it doesn't burn your fingers, then add the insides to a blender (you can even do this the next day) If you had carrots in your stock or garlic in with the butternut, strain them out and add them to the blender too.
 5. Slowly add the stock and a cup of coconut milk and blend until smooth.

6. Add salt, pepper and olive oil to taste.

Monday, September 3, 2018

The unseen

What this photo doesn't show you; the statue of liberty just to the right, or the humidity in the air that makes me feel like I'm walking in soup. It doesn't show the sweat dripping from my clothes or the project I just finished for work. It doesn't show my concern for loved ones back in California, or my lost hopes hovering somewhere above that horizon. But sometimes it is good to let everything fall to the sides and just enjoy one beautiful sunset over a beautiful river. Let all the things that you don't see be quiet, just for a moment.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The promise of Spring

The buds of May, the buds of April... soon these trees will be full of blossoms. 
This is always the hope. This is always the promise. It's not guaranteed, but it is most likely. 

 You must enjoy what you can when it is possible...

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Today was spent as a professional shopper. Oh the glamorous life... searching store after store in hopes of finding the most specific thing in as close to the best size you can find, knowing that you are guaranteed the pleasure of returning 3/4th of the things you are buying in a matter of weeks. Mostly if you want a visceral sense of what my job is like on shopping days you're going to need two 15lb weights. Now carry both, one in each arm, walk about 5 miles while avoiding people and not putting down your weights. Be sure to take lots of stairs while you're at it... because I work in New York most of the time... and that's about where I'm at. My feet hurt, my arms hurt and I am ready for bed a good two hours early.